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Economic Prediction ,” Options , International Institute for Applied

Systems Analysis , Laxenburg , Austria , April 1984

。补充资料选自斯坦福经济史学家Paul David,“Clio and the Economics of QWERTY

,”American Economic Review , Papers and Proceedings , May 1985。

'3'参见W。Brian Arthur, Yuri Ermoliev, and Yuri Kaniovski,“On

Generalized Urn Schemes of the Polya

Kind”。原载苏联杂志Kibernetika,译文参见Cybernetic 19

(1983):61…71。通过不同的数学技巧得出相似结果的过程参见Bruce Hill, David Lane,and William


“A strong Law for Some Generalized Urn Processes” Annals of

Probability 8(1980):214…226。 '4' W。Brian Arthur, “peting

Techonogies and Economic Predictions,”Options,International

Institute for Applied Systems

Analysis,Laxenburg,Austria(April,1984):10…13。 '5'参见R。Burton

1976年的论文“Recent Advances in Vehicular Steam Efficiency,”Society of

Automotive Engineers Preprint 760340,and W。strack, “Condensers and

Boilers for steam…powered Cars, ”NASA Technical Note,TN


'6'这些对比参见1988年纽约大学的Robin Cowen 的论文“Nuclear Power Reactors:A study in

Technological Lock In ”。与结论相关的专业工程师意见来源包括:Hugh

McIntyre,“Natural…Uranium Heavy…Water Reactors,”Scientific

American(1975);Harold Agnew,“Gas…Coolded Nuclear Power

Reactors,”Scientific American(1981);Eliot Marshall,“The Gas…Cooled

Reactor Makes a eback,”Science(1984)。

'7'M。Hertsgaard,The Man and Money Behind Nuclear Energy(New



'8'加州大学Irvine分校的Lester Lave找到了有力的统计学证据支持这一说法,参见其文章“Speeding,

Coordination and the 55 m 。p。h Speed Limit,”American Economic

Review(December 1985)。

'9'台湾大学经济学家Cyrus Chu将这个概念发展为松懈管制导致的周期性的惩罚的数学证明,参见他的论文“Justifying

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