
乐文小说网>英文美丽怎么写作文 > 第12部分(第1页)


Rare it is probable Friendships of this kind will be; because men of this kind are rare。 Besides; all requisite qualifications being presupposed; there is further required time and intimacy: for; as the proverb says; men cannot know one another“till they have eaten the requisite quantity of salt together”; nor can they in fact admit one another to intimacy; much less be friends; till each has appeared to the other and been proved to be a fit object of Friendship。 They who speedily mence an interchange of friendly actions may be said to wish to be friends; but they are not so unless they are also proper objects of Friendship and mutually known to be such: that is to say; a desire for Friendship may arise quickly but not Friendship itself。

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Aristotle on Self…Discipline


We are the sum of our actions; Aristotle tells us; and therefore our habits make all the difference。 Moral virtue; we learn in this discussion from the Niachean Ethics; es with practice; just like the mastery of any art or mechanical skill。 And what is the best way to practice? Aristotle’s answer lies in his explanation of “the mean。” In his view; correct moral behavior in any given situation lies at the midway point between the extremes of two vices。 We must practice hitting the mean by determining which vice we tend toward and then consciously moving toward the other extreme; until we reach the middle。。 最好的txt下载网


Virtue; then; is of two kinds; intellectual and moral。 Intellectual virtue springs from and grows from teaching; and therefore needs experience and time。 Moral virtues e from habit。。。  They are in us neither by nature; nor in despite of nature; but we are furnished by nature with a capacity for receiving them; and we develop them through habit。。。 These virtues we acquire by first exercising them; as in the case of other arts。 Whatever we learn to do; we learn by actually doing it: men e to be builders; for instance; by building; and harp players; by playing the harp。 In the same way; by doing just acts we e to be just; by doing self…controlled acts; we e to be self…controlled; and by doing brave acts; we bee brave。。。

How we act in our relations with other people makes us just or unjust。 How we face dangerous situations; either accustoming ourselves to fear or confidence; makes us brave or cowardly。 Occasions of lust and anger are similar: some people bee self…controlled and patient from their conduct in such situations; and others uncontrolled and passionate。 In a word; then; activities produce similar dispositions。 Therefore we must give a certain character to our activities。。。 In short; the habits we form from childhood make no small difference; but rather they make all the difference。

Moral virtue is a mean that lies between two vices; one of excess and the other of deficiency; and。。。 it aims at hitting the mean both in feelings and actions。 So it is hard to be good; for surely it is hard in each instance to find the mean; just as it is difficult to find the center of a circle。 It is easy to get angry or to spend money—anyone can do that。 But to act the right way toward the right person; in due proportion; at the right time; for the right reason; and in the right manner—this is not easy; and not everyone can do it。

Therefore he who aims at the mean should make it his first care to keep away from that extreme which is more contrary than the other to the mean。。。 For one of the two extremes is always more erroneous than the other。 And since hitting the mean exactly is difficult; one must take the next best course; and choose the least of the evils as the safest plan。。。

We should also take notice of the errors into which we naturally tend to fall。 They vary in each individual’s case; and we will discover ours by the pleasure or pain they give us。 Having discovered our errors; we must force ourselves off in the opposite direction。 For we shall arrive at the mean by moving away from our failing; just as if we were straightening a bent piece of wood。 But in all cases we should guard most carefully against what is pleasant; and pleasure itself; because we are not impartial judges of it。。。

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