
乐文小说网>美丽的甘南散文 > 第3部分(第1页)


I confessed that I was bewildered。 He smiled。 “You may;” he said; “have heard of the Anglo…American Social Bureau?” I had not。 He explained to me that of the thousands of Americans who annually pass through England there are many hundreds who have no English friends。 In the old days they used to bring letters of introduction。 But the English are so inhospitable that these letters are hardly worth the paper they are written on。 “Thus;” said Le Ros; “the ; and most of them have plenty of money to spend。 The ; alas! A director。 If I were; I should be a very rich man indeed。 I am only an employee。 But even so I do very well。 I am one of the seers…off。”txt电子书分享平台

送 行(6)

Again I asked for enlightenment。 “Many Americans;” he said; “cannot afford to keep friends in England。 But they can all afford to be seen off。 The fee is only five pounds (twenty…five dollars) for a single traveller; and eight pounds (forty dollars) for a party of two or more。 They send that in to the Bureau; giving the date of their departure; and a description by which the seer…off can identify them on the platform。 And then—well; then they are seen off。”

“But is it worth?” I exclaimed。 “Of course it is worth it;” said Le Ros。 “It prevents them from feeling ‘out of it。’ It earns them the respect of the guard。 It saves them from being despised by their fellow…passengers—the people who are going to be on the boat。 It gives them a footing for the whole voyage。 Besides; it is a great pleasure in itself。 You saw me seeing that young lady off。 Didn’t you think I did it beautifully?”“Beautifully;” I admitted。 “I envied you。 There was I—” “Yes; I can imagine。 There were you; shuffling from head to foot; staring blankly at your friend; trying to make conversation。 I know。 That’s how I used to be myself; before I studied; and went into the thing professionally。 I don’t say I’m perfect yet。 I’m still a martyr to platform fright。 A railway station is the most difficult of all places to act in; as you have discovered for yourself。”“But;” I said with resentment; “I wasn’t trying to act。 I really felt。”“so did I; my boy;” said Le Ros。 “You can’t act without feeling。 What’s…his…name; the Frenchman—Diderot; yes—said you could; but what did he know about it? Didn’t you see those tears in my eyes when the train started? I hadn’t forced them。 I tell you I was moved。 So were you; I dare say。 But you couldn’t have pumped up a tear to prove it。 You can’t express your feelings。 In other words; you can’t act。 At any rate;” he added kindly; “not in a railway station。” “Teach me!” I cried。 He looked thoughtfully at me。 “Well;” he said at length; “the seeing…off season is practically over。 Yes; I’ll give you a course。 I have a good many pupils on hand already; but yes;” he said; consulting an ornate notebook; “I could give you an hour on Tuesdays and Fridays。”

His terms; I confess; are rather high。 But I don’t grudge the investment。

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Of Youth and Age

Francis Bacon

A man that is young in years; may be old in hours; if he have lost no time。 But that happened rarely。 Generally; youth is like the first cogitations; not so wise as the second。 For there is a youth in thoughts; as well as in ages。

And yet the invention of young men; is more lively than that of old; and imaginations stream into their minds better; and; as it were; more divinely。 Natures that have much heat; and great and violent desires and perturbations; are not ripe for action; till they have passed the meridian of their years; as it was with Julius Caesar and Septimius Severus。。。

Young men are fitter to invent; than to judge; fitter for execution; than for counsel; and fitter for new projects; than for settled business。 For the experience of age; in things that fall within the pass of it; directeth them; but in new things; abuseth them。

The errors of young men; are the ruin of business; but the errors of aged men; amount but to this; that more might have been done; or sooner。 Young men; in the conduct and manage of actions; embrace more than they can hold; stir more than they can quiet; fly to the end; without consideration of the means and degrees;pursue some few principles; which they have chanced upon absurdly care not to innovate; which draws unknown inconveniences; use extreme remedies at first; and; that which doubleth all errors; will not acknowledge or retract them; like an unready horse; that will neither stop nor turn。 Men of age object too much; consult too long; adventure too little; repent too soon; and seldom drive business home to the full period; but content themselves with a mediocrity of success。 Certainly it is good to pound employments of both; for that will be good for the present; because the virtues of either age; may correct the defects of both; and good for succession; that young men may be learners; while men in age are actors; and; lastly; good for extern accidents; because authority followeth old men; and favor and popularity; youth。 But for the moral part; perhaps youth will have the pre…eminence; as age hath for the politic。












The Handsome and Deformed Leg

Benjamin Franklin

There are two Sorts of People in the World; who with equal Degrees of Health; & Wealth; and the other forts of Life; bee; the one happy; and the other miserable。 This arises very much from the different Views in which they consider Things; Persons; and Events; and the Effect of those different Views upon their own Minds。

In whatever Situation Men can be placed; they may find Conveniencies & Inconveniencies: In whatever pany; they may find Persons & Conversation more or less pleasing。 At whatever Table; they may meet with Meats & Drinks of better and worse Taste; Dishes better & worse dress’d: In whatever Climate they will find good and bad Weather: Under whatever Government; they may find good & bad Laws; and good & bad Administration of those Laws。 In every Poem or Work of Genius they may see Faults and Beauties。 In almost every Face & every Person; they may discover fine Features & Defects; good & bad Qualities。

Under these Circumstances; the two Sorts of People above mention’d fix their Attention; those who are to be happy; on the Conveniencies of Things; the pleasant Parts of Conversation; the well…dress’d Dishes; the Goodness of the Wines;

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