
乐文小说网>英文哲理短句 > 第24部分(第2页)




■ 心灵小语


Fixing Up the Run…Down Places

Dr。 David Dallas Jones

Every life coheres1 around certain fundamental2 core ideas whether we realize it or not。 If I were asked to state the ideas around which my life and my life’s work have been built it would seem that they were very simple ideas。 An old professor of mine used to say that “effort counts”。 “The surest thing in the world;” he would say; “next to death is that effort counts。” This I believe with all my heart。 We seldom realize the sense of glow; the sense of growing self…esteem; the sense of achievement; which can e from doing a job well。 Just working at a thing with enthusiasm and with a belief that the job may be acplished; however uncertain the oute; lends zest to life。

If I were to start life again; I think I would do just what I have done in the past—this past having been done by mere chance。 I would start at some task which very much needed to be done。 I would start in a place which was run down and I would believe with all my heart that if the thing needed to be done and if effort were put into it; results would e for human good。


Too; from the outset; my wife and I have had the feeling that no matter what else we did in life; we had to devote our best thinking and our best living to our children。 Now that they are all grown。 we have sincere satisfaction in the fact that trying to do a job and trying to earn a living did not take away from us this urgency to be and do so that our children could have a feeling of the importance of integrity; honesty and straightforwardness3 in life。 It seems to me far too often this is overlooked。 We people in public life do the jobs we have to do and fail to save our children。 This second thing is important—doing the task you have to do but beginning at home to bring peace; love; happiness and contentment to those whom God has given you。

The third idea; around which I have tried to live and work; is that there is an overshadowing Providence4 that cares for one。 Of times our struggles are too intense; too “eager beaverish” when; as a matter of fact; time and God can solve many problems。 Never in my life have I gotten away from the idea that God cares and that He provides that the forces of good in the world are greater than the forces of evil and that if we will lend ourselves to those forces; in the long run we have greater joy and happiness in the thing which we try to achieve。 This I learned from my mother as a boy。 Although she was ill and although we were poor—as poor as people can be—I do not now recall a moment of discouragement in her presence。 There was always an overpowering belief that God was in His heaven and that; as Joe Louis said。 “God is on our side。”

These things I believe with all my heart。

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■ 心灵小语


The Soundest Investment of All

C。 Jared Ingersoll

I feel very presumptuous1 and unfortable about trying to explain out loud the things I believe in。 But I do think that all human problems are in some way related to each other; so perhaps if people pare their experiences they may discover something in mon in hunting the answers。

I am a very fortunate man for I lead a full and what is for me a happy life。 I say this even though I happen to have had; in the course of it; a couple of severe personal blows。 My first wife collapsed and died one day while she and I were ice…skating; after eighteen years of a most happy existence together。 My only son; a sergeant in the Army bat engineers; was killed in Italy in the last war。 Nonetheless; these tragedies did not throw me pletely and I have been able to fill my life anew with happiness。

I do not mean to sound calloused2。 Those blows hurt me deeply。 I guess that two basically important things helped me most to recover。 One is the fact that I have e to see life as a gamble。 The other is a belief in what some people call the hereafter。 I try to live fully so that when my luck changes there will be little room for regret or recrimination3 over time lost or misspent。 My belief in the hereafter is wrapped in the intangible but stubborn

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